Aeon Trinity

Aeon Trinity is s society dedicated to the protection and service of humanity for the past 200 years, before it was formally introduced as Aeon Trinity. Aeon was unveiled publicly in the 20th century and has worked with the governments and societies of earth ever since to help humanity fulfill its destiny. Now in the 22nd century, they counsel, represent and coordinate virtually every world and space government, organized religion, meta-corporation and psi order. Aeon is the right hand of the world’s decision makers, and always has the good of all people at heart. The Aeon Trinity does not control any party or individual but influences them toward a common goal: Unity.  There are three main divisions to Aeon Trinity. Neptune is Aeon’s administrative branch. It mostly consist of “neutrals” or non-psionic people. Triton is the research and investigation department. It’s members study space, watch earth’s alien allies, and keep a vigilant look out for any Aberrant activity. Proteus is the hand of the Trinity, the operations team that consists of psions and special agents who actively protect earth and it’s peoples. All in all, Aeon Trinity is the United Nations of the world.

Alongside the World United Nations, individual governments, and political figures, Aeon Trinity is held in high as well as careful regard when it comes to the matters of politics. Besides influencing things far and near, some people see Aeon as a humanitarian organization that exists for the good of the people. When everything else fails Aeon paints itself as an organization that will always be there for the good of all mankind.

.current events.

Year: 2120

  • It's been a year of ups and downs for humanity as well as Aeon Trinity. With the new year fast approaching, humanity looks again to the stars as the exploration of the universe begins anew. New and improved Jump Ships have been constructed with both neutrals and psions to lead the way in order to reach out to the interstellar colonies where communication has all but ceased, to search out new planets for colonization, seek out new lifeforms, and most importantly, keep a constant searching lookout for the Aberrant threat.
  • Several American and Chinese corporations are waging their own private war in spite of the threat of sanctions by the newly appointed World UN council. Aeon Trinity has assured the people it cannot and will not get involved in the domestic matters of private corporations, but will work with the World UN on maintaining global stability.

.overview and timeline.

Trinity is set in the year 2120, some 60 years after the devastation of the Aberrant War. These Aberrants were once human, gifted with strange powers and abilities that defied physics and all normal human limits. The powers these beings wielded, however, slowly drove them mad, causing them to turn against their human brethren and lay waste to large sections of the planet. It took the threat of global annihilation to drive the Aberrants away, using warping abilities to flee from Earth into deep space. The Earth is a world in recovery. Humankind has set up colonies on distant worlds and moons, mining operations in the asteroid belt, and an expansive space program to keep it all running smoothly. Aiding this slow recovery and expansion are the psi orders, nationalist groups of men and women gifted with psionic powers. These psions are united only by two things: the recurring threat of aberrant return and the Aeon Trinity, a society of scholars and politicians acting as an ad hoc United Nations, striving to rebuild Earth. Threats abound, both from outside and inside the atmosphere: Aberrants creep back toward Earth, mysterious alien races play out their agendas, and the psionic orders play against each other like children vying for the best part of the sandbox.

1921 - First public incidents of super-normal acts. Events continue sporadically over the next few decades, but their influence on culture and politics proves minimal.

1923 - Maxwell Anderson Mercer establishes the Æon Society for Gentlemen.

2021 - A  dramatic increase in super-normal events.  Novas proliferate globally. Their activities, struggles and depredations increasingly endanger and harm normal humans.

2024 - The United States unveils a versatile, fusion-powered orbital craft.

2024–2032 - Various nations launch orbital defense satellites. By far, the most advanced is the United States’ Orbital Military Network (OMEN) defense system. It is used increasingly to monitor and, when necessary, counteract intensifying nova activities. The term “aberrant” sees increasing use when referring to “novas.”

2031 - The United States establishes the Olympus Lunar base.

2046 - The group Allah’s Legion seizes control of the African island Bahrain.  The event initiates widespread conflict between humans and nova/aberrants.

2049 - The United Nations declares war on nova/aberrants.

2049–2061 - Various major cities (mostly in North America and Europe) suffer destruction at aberrant hands.

2053 - China launches Xingyang Sujia, the first manned interplanetary exploration craft. Its destination: Mars.

2061 - China makes its “Earth Strike Ultimatum.” Aberrants leave Earth with the threat of returning. The war ends. The Chinese fleet stands down.

2061–2070 - The Crash. Millions are dead. Half of the world’s arable lands are infertile. The world’s financial and ecological resources are drained. The world economy collapses. Conflict erupts between nations. The Comm Crunch hits. The Urban Schism occurs. Orbital expansion is attempted to revitalize the world.

2067 - China reconfigures its economy on a platinum standard. Other nations follow. This is a significant step toward revitalizing the world economy. International commerce bounces between a dollar and a yuan base.

2071 - The  “pseudo-graviton” is developed; grav-crystal grids make artificial gravity possible on spacecraft and in other microgravity environments. The discovery heralds an end to global strife; warfare diminishes and nations become culturally and technologically progressive.

2103 - Eight humans are bestowed noetic powers. These proxies learn about the impending return of aberrants and set about developing orders of psi - using individuals who shall defend humanity against aberrants and other hostiles.

2104 - Aberrants attack intra-solar colonies.

2106 - The Legions reveal the existence of psions when members fight off aberrants in Sydney. The orders and psions are met with mixed feelings. The orders begin extensive public-relations programs.

2106–2120 - The psi orders integrate themselves into human society and assist or become involved in the development of technology, commerce, travel, exploration, medicine and even entertainment.

2107 - First contact with aliens, who are named “qin.” A Chinese deep-space explorer encounters an alien patrol craft in the qins’ home system. Though initial interactions are cautions, things go well.

2108  -  The qin establish an embassy on Luna. Humans establish one on Qinshui, the qin homeworld.

2109 - Evidence emerges that the Chitra Bhanu are in league with aberrants. Forces from the other orders unite to bring the Chitra Bhanu under control; its members resist and the order is destroyed.

2114  -  Aberrants attack the Esperanza orbital station. Forces respond, but are unable to prevent the station from crashing to Earth, destroying most of France. Afterward, the teleporters are discovered to have vanished.

2119 - The orders create viable biotech jump ships, making interstellar travel  possible. First contact occurs with the mysterious Coalition after one of the first test jumps of the new ships.

2120 - Present.

Aeon Trinity is a very expansive game and allows for multiple story lines across the spectrum. There are literally an infinite amount of character types that can be  created. The game bridges the gap between science fiction and dark cyberpunk. Be creative and of course, if you have questions then don't be afraid to ask.

.latents, novas, and aberrants.

The one thing that separates Latents from Novas is the fact that Novas can use their raw power while Latents cannot. Latents are Neutrals (normal people) that show an aptitude for a certain psionic focus. These are the people in which the Orders seek in order to be inducted into the ranks of Psions. Novas, however, continue to be at the forefront of the evolutionary process. They were the heroes of the 21st century. Human beings with powers that can both help, and hurt, humanity. Some Novas can use their psionic ability for many different aptitudes, but those Novas might not be as powerful or proficient as those that master one type of aptitude. They are the jacks of some trades, masters of none.

Unfortunately for Novas, humanity hasn’t forgotten at all the Aberrant menace that were once Novas. It wasn’t so long ago that the order to locate and sometimes exterminate known Novas came to pass. Aeon Trinity is trying to make great strides presently in locating and identifying Novas by peaceful means, but their desire to remain hidden rather than in the spotlight has caused somewhat of a stir among the Psi-Orders. Still, it’s not uncommon for Novas to join a particular Order and become proficient in one aptitude while maintaining latency for another.

Aberrants are the single greatest menace known to humanity, even more so now in the 22nd century than ever before. Fact is, Aberrants are the worst evil humanity has ever faced, and are most frightening because they were once us – human. Horrifying that in all our exploration of the universe and travels into deep space, the most dangerous thing we have encountered is ourselves.

While everyone must know the depth of evil that Aberrants represent, as a psion, you need to be especially conscious of this. Sooner or later, you will come face to what passes for face with Earth’s 60-year-old legacy: an Aberrant returned from exile in the unknown reaches of space, hell-bent to destroy you, me, and the whole goddamn human race. And you have to stop it – or die trying.

You know the basics: Aberrants were the heroes of the 21st century. About 100 years ago, they were lauded like you are today as the protectors and benefactors of humanity. The Aeon Covenant of that time worked with these “heroes” for the general good. The source of their powers, in the brain mutated across the board. Aberrants, who were once sane and who protected normal people, started to abuse their powers and finally went mad, slaughtering thousands. Others who emerged later simply went insane upon manifesting their abilities. Humanity’s fight to survive against these things became the Aberrant War.

It wasn’t long until the Aberrants also crashed the global computer network. And that, of course, was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Crashing the OpNet spurred the Chinese government to hand down the Ultimatum in 2061: Aberrants must stop the insanity or everything would be nuked. Pretty bold move, but the Chinese meant it.

The Aberrants left Earth, supposedly for other planets and places that they could reach with their powers. Humanity was left to pick up the pieces, to rebuild an Earth in ruins. Many of us, daunted by the sheer devastation, abandoned Earth altogether with hopes of a new start in space.

The last we knew of the Aberrants was an ultimatum of their own: “We’ll be back.” That was 60 years ago. It took them a while, but the Aberrants kept their word – they’re back. They strike on isolated stations and colonies, always using hit-and-run tactics. Then, he had yet to encounter any alien races back in those days, but we expected to at any time as we explored space. It seemed that we had finally made first contact, and it was hostile. However, “alien” tissue gathered proved that these beings were, in fact, human. Apparently, years festering in exile and their insanity-made-manifest (a mutation now called “taint”) turned some Aberrants from human-seeing into absolute monstrosities.

The attacks continue today, still in guerilla style, still vicious, still without mercy. The majority of aberrant tacks focus on the orbital stations and colonies at the borders of settled human space. Aberrants are becoming better organized, though, their assaults striking with greater frequency and deeper into our space – on the orbital stations, on Luna, on Earth itself.

Lots of freedom of choice here when it comes to character creation. This is a free-form game with very little dice play. Try to keep your character balanced and not an invincible omnipotent being. There will be player characters, NPC's, and share-able NPC's. All player characters will need to be approved before hand.
Aberrants are Novas whose powers have grown beyond their control. Something like this usually contorts the mind into psychosis. It not only brings about a mental change but can affect someone in the physical sense as well. A lot of Aberrants find that, in their uncontrollable lust for power and more power, they begin to shed off piece of their humanity. In a physical sense, they might even turn grotesque. It's very difficult to turn back from this path. However, there have been stories of Aberrants of the most powerful variety hiding in plain sight with the power to alter their appearance. Like all poweful individuals in this game, try to keep your character balanced.

.psi orders.

When the orders made their first public appearance 14 years ago (after operating in secret for years previously), there were eight of them: the vitakinetic Aesculapian Order, the quantakinetic Chitra Bhanu, the clairsentient Israns, the psychokinetic Legionnaires, the telepathic Ministry, the biokinetic Norca, the electrokinetic Orgotek Order and the teleporting Upeo wa Macho. However; one order has been exterminated and another has vanished. In 2109, the proxies stunned the psion community with the revelation that the quantakinetic Chitra Bhanu Order was in league with the resurgeant Aberrants. The other seven orders united to exterminate their traitorous brethren. The operation was completed by the year 2110, yet rumors persist to present day that more than a few Chitra Bhanu(and perhaps even their proxy) escaped. The second, the Upeo wa Macho, simply vanished when an orbital station named Esperanza crashed into earth in the heart of Europe. Every Gifted felt the tremendous psionic shock wave that resulted from the impact and the millions of deaths it caused. Strangely, when both orders vanished, so too did anyone with strong latency in either quantakinectics or teleportation.

Each order was established and is still administered(or ruled, some say) by a single proxy – a psion with abilities far beyond those of even the most accomplished of his or her kind. Theories from reasonable to ridiculous abound regarding the powers of the proxies, but it is known that they are the most powerful psionic individuals the world has ever known. The orders themselves are socio-political organizations, and have autonomy over the creation, training and deployment os psions. Each order is responsible for locating humans with appropriate latents and convincing those humans to undergo the conversion process, known as the Prometheus Effect. A latent who exhibits a noticeable tendancy for a specific psi aptitude is sought after greatly by the orders, since an individual often makes a powerful psion in that aptitude. In the end, though, the order that takes the latent in and pits him through its Prometheus Effect dictates the aptitude that the person actually manifests. Currently, there is only one working chamber in the hands of the orders and the Qin that can create psions for any specific order. Plans for building separate and singular chambers are already in the works with rumors saying they’re already operational. Currently, there’s only one psion that has been gifted with all the powers that each order uses. The Prometheus Chamber is referred to as the “conversion tank”.

The Prometheus Effect. The actual mechanics of the process involves the latent imbibing biofluid, then being immersed in a gel-filled bioware tank. The subject falls into a fugue state while his/her body is infused with nano-organisms. A psion monitors the subject through a biolink, and follows a very precise process to trigger the latent into a full psion.

Almost all psions, even those who work for the Aeon Trinity, remain members of the orders that created them. After all, the benefits are good, the company is amenable and backup is usually available when Aberrants strike. However, individual psions have been known to forge out on their own. Each order has its own policy on rogue agents, from the Norca’s sometimes extreme measures in recovering free agents to the Legion’s public commendation of individuality. It’s most common for psions to switch order allegiances for personal or financial reasons.

I'm also including a "guide", not "rules" to aid players in the types of powers that a psion might have. It is exactly how I phrase it, a guide and is definitely not limited to such.

1. The Aesculapian Order (Vitakinesis) – This aptitude covers the use of psionic energy to heal the body and mind – or to harm them, but the vitakinesis to cause harm, is controlled rigidly by high-ranking Aesculapians.

  • Latrosis – The psion applies their will to pend physical injuries, from minor cuts and scrapes to massive trauma and loss of limbs.
  • Mentatis – The use of psi energy to remedy psychological derangements, healing the mind rather than the body.
  • Algesis – This mode is geared to causing injury. It is considered a necessary evil in the battle against Aberrants, but few vitakinetics practice its effects.

Mission: “As a vitakinetic, you heal body and mind. You mend and soothe psychological trauma, all by focusing your will on a subject. While your powers could be used to harm instead of heal, such actions run entirely contrary to what we ask of you. Your aptitude sees primary use in field work. You engage in research and missions to contain subjects with genetic anomalies. You assist in the eradication of Aberrants themselves. You enter into front-line combat and tend to your team members’ wounds with both your medical training and your psi powers.”

2. Interplanetary School for Research and Advancement [ISRA] (Clairsentience) – A Gifted with this aptitude can extend his senses far beyond the human norm, can read the “auras” of people and objects to learn of their histories, and even can catch glimpses of the future.

  • Psychometry – These powers involve attuning to a subjects aura, as the clairsentients call it, to learn of recent events and encounters.
  • Psychonavigation – This mode enables the psion to find a subject by keying into its subquantum resonance.
  • Telesthesia – A Gifted can project their senses through physical barriers and across vast distances by attuning themselves to psionic energy wave-forms.

Mission: “As a clairsentient you perceive the universe with senses far greater and sharper than normal. You can see through walls and into the deepest reaches of space. Your comprehension of the physical world is unparalleled. You are our scouts and detectives. You pilot orbital crafts and our brand new jump ships. You scan the stars for hostile incursions of all types, from aberrants to aliens to even human forces. You investigate disaster sites. Crimes and mysteries, uncovering information with your powers of perception. You are our eyes, peering into the darkness to bring the truth to light.”

3. The Legions (Psychokinesis) – These powers involve molecular manipulation. A psychokinetic can create cold or heat or can move something by manipulating molecules.

  • Cryokinesis – Cryo effects slow down an objects molecular motion, simply by cooling it or perhaps even freezing it solid.
  • Pyrokinesis – These effects excite molecules to generate heat and to cause combustion.
  • Telekinesis – The psion lifts objects and even themselves by moving an entire molecular construct with focused psi energy.

Mission: “Psychokinesis involves mind over matter. You create fire, generate ice and can even fly. Your abilities manipulate the subtle potential and raw power inherent to objects and the very air around you. You defend innocents against Aberrant threats. You patrol cities, colonies and space itself in search of any and all dangers to humanity. You act as the police and the militia, keeping the peace and confronting the menaces. You are the front-line assault trooper, and you guard terrestrial and stellar borders against threats of any kind.”

4. Ministry of Psionic Affairs (Ministry) – This aptitude involves nothing less than the power to delve into another sentient being’s mind.

  • Empathy – The psion can perceive and even control another person’s emotions.
  • Mindshare – The effects of the mode allow for direct mind-to-mind contact that transcends all other forms of communication.
  • Psychbending – The psion can assume control of another person’s thoughts and memories through concerted forces of will.

Mission: “Yours is the power to read others’ thoughts. They cannot hide their deepest fantasies and darkest fears from your psionic probes. You discover the truths behind the spoken lies. You know the unknowable. You act as an investigator, separating the guilty from the innocent. You are ever vigilant for those who would act against us, and against humanity as a whole. You are our ears, learning our enemies’ plans and thwarting them before they are even carried out. Your order is the most secretive and operations are carried out in clandestine precision. There are levels in your order as well. Starting at the lowly Initiate, to Acolyte, then Adept, and then finally a full fledged Minister. If you make it that far.”

5. Nova Forca De Nacionales [NNF] (Biokinesis) – This aptitude gives the psion complete control over their body. They channel psionic energy to adapt, enhance and even restructure their own physiology.

  • Adaptation – The psion uses this mode to protect themselves against hostile environments (from being underwater for extended periods of time to being able to maneuver without danger in non-standard gravity).
  • Psychomorphing – The Gifted can manipulate their internal physiology, growing redundant organs and even subsuming bioware into themselves.
  • Transmogrify – This mode enables the psion to change the shape of their own body. Effects range from creating weapons from the psion’s own skin and bones to assuming someone else’s appearance.

Mission: “As a biokinetic, you possess utter control of your physical form. You can change the shape of your face, grow additional limbs, create patterns on your skin and even mend your own wounds. You are our spies and infiltrators. You venture into the hostile territories and adapt yourself to their conditions, be it a frigid tundra or war-torn Europe. You can take on whatever role necessary to discover the plots and schemes of our enemies. You are the ultimate everyman, a spy beyond compare. You are essential to gaining access to areas that no one else can even approach.”

6. Orgotek (Electrokinesis) – The psion channels electrical energy and even manipulates the electromagnetic spectrum with this aptitude.

  • Electromanipulation – This mode involves controlling electrical impulses in organic beings.
  • Photokenesis – This mode’s effects are used to perceive and direct the flow of energy across the electromagnetic spectrum. A skilled Gifted can create holograms spontaneously and generate lasers by focusing their will.
  • Technokinesis – The psion taps into and controls energy flow through mechanical technology, from computers to spacecraft.

Mission: “The electromagnetic spectrum is your plaything. You manipulate the flow of electricity in the human body, in bioware and in hardtech devices. You tune into broadcast transmissions and generate deadly lasers by concentrating. You are a technical expert. You penetrate even the most heavily guarded OpNet nodes to gather information. You take control of opponents’ weapons to give your teammates the edge in a firefight. You repair and manipulate equipment of any kind, humans or alien, hard or biotech.”

.earth, space, and beyond.

Because Trinity incorporates pretty much an entire universe of imagination, it makes it difficult to fill this section up. It can go on and on. This is why I'm allowing players to use that imagination and fill up the universe in which we play. However, keep in mind that earth is still recovering from war. A lot of the governments of the 21st-Century have dissolved giving way the rising corporations that vie for money, power, and prestige. However, humanity is still trying to pick up pieces after the Aberrant War. There are still places on earth that have either been blown away completely or inhospitable. The game doesn't stop at earth of course and humanity has been colonizing planets in their solar system and beyond. The world of Trinity has a very strong cyberpunk feeling to it while letting players explore the reaches of space. To give players a more direct idea, I've included a link to the players guide in Guides and Links. Pages 74 to 111 explains this topic in great detail and I advise players to at least take a quick skim over it.

* The pages I referenced can be used as locals at your discretion. As the game is fairly new it might be wise to shrink down the usable locals to earth and parts of the solar system rather than have characters spread out all over the place.

.psi, technology, and biotechnology.

Powers have been regulated to the realm of myth and speculation for centuries. In 2106, humanity finally confirmed the existence of psionic capabilities. The leaders, or proxies as they’re called, of secret orders of the psi-active individuals addressed a stunned populace I the aftermath of the historic Sydney spaceport raid. The proxies elaborated on the displays of power that their followers had already made, and promised the world the orders were committed to defending humanity against all Aberrants. After the closed UN address, these “Gifted” integrated themselves seamlessly into human society. Scientists have marveled at the insight into our universe that psionic powers open up. Noetic Science is the study of this phenomenon.

A psion may achieve harmony with the implicate order through training, meditation and by opening themselves to the sublime power that exists throughout the universe. He senses the ebb and flow of energy through all things, and his own metaphysical place in the universe. Psi connects everything, and no actions occurs entirely independent of other forces. The Gifted who grasp out the subquantum universe operates understand that all actions have innumerable reactions. Understanding the connections between all things and the limitless ramifications to all actions is humbling. Indeed, some psions who have had such insights into the cosmos have left their orders abruptly and forsaken their powers altogether. Others have suffered mental illness, from mild cases of agoraphobia to severe cases of paranoia. Some Gifted have suffered physical harm. The stresses of Psionic attunement and the development of mental ailments, such as psionic psychosis, that result from psi powers have moved a small but vocal portion of the noetic community to urge caution in the creation of new psions.

Psionic manipulation is equal parts instinct and training. New psions are taught certain standard effects, but having an innate feel for how to direct psi flow is vital to achieving the results desired. Each psion describes attunement to the subquantum universe different. Some relate it to sensing a body part; you don’t have to see your leg to know it’s there. Others equate it to trying to remember a word that’s on the tip of your tongue. You know it’s there, you just have to concentrate to conjure it up. The Gifted feel everything around them. Psions sense the resonance of all the people and objects they encounter. That energy isn’t tangible, but it is there nonetheless. Using psi involves focusing on that resonance; the psion connects to the energy flow in and around others. He doesn’t control this force as much as he allows it to permeate him, and his will channels it to affect the universe and everything else.

Biotechnological development is a product of the rise of psionic powers among humanity. The concepts behind the technology derive from the psionic ability to recognize and manipulate the subquantum energy flowing through all living things. By directing these energies, psions can transform living matter into technological tools. Gifted from the Norca and Orgotek, in particular, can use their psionic capability to modify and control biotech to a degree even other psions envy. Such devices can be used unto themselves, but they are often combined with conventional hardtech. However, biotech use is limited mostly to psions; the capability to use biotechnology beyond basic devices requires psi energy that only the Gifted possess and control. A normal human trying to operate the simplest of bioware runs to risk of injuring or even killing themselves. Biotechnology comes in all forms to include personal items, appliances, weapons, vehicles, and other mechanical creations.

Technology is in the same boat as Earth & Space, when you finally get to read that section. There's a lot of it. Too much to list all of them here, however I'm including a link with a comprehensive guide to Trinity's technology in Guides and Links. Remember, this is pretty much freeform so I would ask if you'd ignore the dice rolling specifics of this manual. If I had to liken the technology to something similar I would choose the technology of Mass Effect. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask or post in the forum.


Since the dawn of history, humanity has stared into the celestial void. Thirteen years ago, the dark between the stars gazed back at us. With the coming of the Qin, then the Chromatics, and finally the Coalition, humanity’s very concept of itself has been tilted on its axis and sent spinning into the mysterious sky. In the past 13 years, humanity has advanced its frontiers of knowledge a hundred-fold – and learned to live with the looming fear of invasion from the stars. There are reaches far into space in which humanity has yet to explore. Who knows what else might loom in the darkness.

1. The Qin – “With friends like these…” The punch line has yet to be written for the enigmatic Qin, humanity’s for-the-nonce allies among the stars. These quixotic creatures certainly seem friendly – but then again, they seem humanoid and just about everyone’s figured out the falsity of that supposition.

Humanity first contacted the Qin 13 years ago, when a Chinese explorer vessel intercepted a transmission of Qin radio static. The psions arranged a rendezvous at the aliens’ home system, which later became colloquially as Qinshui. First contact went well, one supposes, and ambassadors were exchanged: the Qin currently have an embassy on Luna.

We gave them their name: The term “Qin” is Chinese, a reference to a form of Beijing opera. The Qin’s stylized, lacquered-looking (and almost certainly artificial) humanoid bodies evoke images of the old plays. They’re quick learners: Recently arrived Qin diplomats “wear” bodies that are nearly identical to those of humans. The older ones, though, as well as newcomers remaining “out of the public eye,” still display “old-school” bodes: crystalline, shimmering shells that prompted the occasional nickname “icons”.

Our biotechnological theories seemed incredibly advanced a decade ago, that is, until the Qin showed us their bioware. The Qin don’t talk too much about their technology – not in public, anyway – but evidence suggests that they’ve developed biotechnology to a level that we can barely fathom. Research shows that Qin uniformly posses a baseline telepathic ability that seems to be instrumental in their relationship to bioware. The Qin use their technology routinely to accomplish near-unimaginable feats of macrocosmic construction and terraforming. One would presume they are equally skilled in their technology’s military applications – though one hopes humanity will never find out firsthand.

2. The Chromatics – Seemingly conjured from the recesses of a B-grade horrid vid, the chromatics have whipped human xenophobia to frightening heights. Perhaps this is because they embody our primordial fears of Evil Invaders – merciless, inscrutable, grotesque. They give even the Aberrants a run for their money in this regard.

Since he Chromatics’ initial “Pearl Harbor” assault on the Karroo Mining Colony in 2113, we’ve learned little about them save their military strategy – and even that is mostly a cipher. Psions’ encounters with them before the Upeo wa Macho vanished (this breaking our contact) indicated that the Chromatics have nothing but violent intentions, even hatred for humans. Unfortunate – though they’re far from pretty by our standards, the Chromatics are a fascinating race.

Studying human-Chromatic encounters and recovered alien bodies, the Trinity conforms that Chromatics are definitely sentient beings and not simply clever animals. They seem to hae developed a complex system of bio-luminescent organs that produce light in an array of hues. This apparently serves at their primary means of communication, and was the inspiration for the appellation we’ve applied to them. Their language appears to be highly sophisticated, even if the Chromatics themselves aren’t.

Indeed, most fascinating of all about the aliens is that they can control – psionically it appears – internal and ambient light emission. They’ve been known to manipulate light, shaping it into blinding flashes and laser beams – and even bending it entirely to create a kind of holographic blending. While the electrokinetics are curious to learn how the Chromatics accomplish such an advanced feat, the majority of humanity is more interested in learning what had become of those people stranded with these warlike aliens. Now that the jump-ship technology is complete and the first psions are sent out to the frontier, we will finally discover how the colonists in the Crab nebula fared against these relentless warriors over the past five years.

3. The Coalition – When deep space probes reported a huge object headed rapidly toward our solar system at near-light speeds, panic was understandable. Aberrant raids showed no signs of slacking off, and it had been almost six years since the Upeo disappeared. Was this thing an Aberrant fleet, a Chromatic warship or something worse? The United Nations, with Aeon Trinity assistance, authorized dispatching one of the new experimental jump ships on an intercept course with the approaching object.

The little the Trinity knows is based on hearsay and scattered pieces of information. Despite our direct involvement in coordinating the jump ship’s intercept, the UN has locked down all data regarding these aliens. Still, based on what Aeon has uncovered, it seems we humans must redefine our place in the universe. Encounters with the single alien races of Qin and Chromatics were bizarre enough, but what to make of encountering an entire confederation of alien species? For that is what this alien “Coalition” seems to be – a collection of various races, each with a regimental place within a larger sociopolitical structure. Preliminary reports estimate between a half-dozen to over a hundred races.

With all of these fascinating factors to pursue, one wonders why the UN locked down first contact data so severely, restricting even Aeon involvement. All anyone has seen is the initial transmission of the Coalition’s “space ark.” What does the UN not want us to know?

Reports of the Coalition are just a rumor as of now.  

.guides and links.

Aeon Trinity Sourcebook

Aeon Trinity Psionic Chart

Aeon Trinity Technology