
The Isle has been on the decline for a while now. A steward sits on the throne in Malloria and rules haphazardly. There has not been a King or Queen in quite some time. The same thing for Eleriand. Civil war between the lords and nobles of Malloria are on the brink and an evil known as The Darkness is creeping back into the land. In the past, a young Light Elf named Nienna, who was raised as a slave in the Unter was chosen to be a vessel of The Darkness and basically became a harbinger of death for the entire Isle. This time was known as the Great War. The entirety of the Isle came together, and Nienna as well as the Darkness were defeated. She soon went into hiding afterwards. The story begins here.


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Capital Cities:

  • Mallor
  • Visserine
  • Sipani

Malloria, the largest land mass, is mostly human.


Capital Cities:

  • Eleriand

Eleriand is home to the Light Elves, who like the Northern Elves, have developed an isolationist culture since the Great War. Their borders are fiercely protected.


Capital Cities:

  • Ospria

MarJam is a melting pot of races, but its reigning king pledges its waning allegiance to Malloria.

Unter Baathelands

Capital Cities:

  • Corontiz

The Unter Baathelands are also home to a slew of races, but the Unter are the ones that claim the land here. It is ruled by an oligarchic presence comprised of leaders from several different factions.


Capital Cities:

  • Tala
  • Hogtidlig

Faroe, the frozen north, are home to what can be likened to the Vikings.


Capital Cities:

  • Unknown

Innerleithen is home to magic-born Northern Elves. It, like the entire Isle, is surrounded by magical mists formed to keep outsiders out and insiders in. All for the protection of the Isle. However, it is said that some unknown event is causing the mists around the continent to fade.

Unter Underdark

Capital Cities:

  • Menzor
  • Abburth

The Unter Underdark is home to the Dark Elves. It is comprised of underground cities built in sprawling caves and caverns. They are governed by a ruling counsel of eight, comprised of the highest noble from the top eight houses. Ranking is given by status, wealth, creche, and strength. The Underdark is situated under the Baathelands, and under parts of Faroe and MarJam. There are also possibly secretive and dangerous tunnels that stretch all the way into Malloria.

.races and people.

Humans - Nothing special here. The majority and in no small capacity, the lifeblood of the Isle.

Unter - Dark Elves or Unterlings. Dark-skinned and very vicious.

Light Elves - Surface elves, though they are very isolationist.

Innerleithen Elves – Northern surface elves. The Isle doesn’t have a lot of magic using races, but the Northern Elves hold the most. They are very rarely seen and border on myth. Heard but never seen. Innerleithen is protectedby an almost impenetrable mist, as well as magic.

Faroe - Vikings of the North. Very large, strong, and foreboding humans.

Other races - Orcs, trolls, Sea elves, etc.


Warders – Malloria: A special and elite fighting detachment separate from Malloria’s army, and tasked with the daunting effort of protecting the entirety of the Isle.

Silk Dancers – Unter Underdark: Assassins Creche of the first house of Unter Underdark.

Bregan De’aerthe – Unter Underdark: Fighters Creche of the second house of the Unter Underdark.

Nothing here is set in stone. It's a perfect chance for worldbuilding! This setting is a personal favorite of mine. Created what seems like eons ago by an old partnership group long gone. It's definately something I would love to resurrect.


As always, all premade characters are NPC's.

Nienna - Light Elf who was raised as a slave in the Unter Underdark. She was willingly possessed by The Darkness and led the malevolent force on a tirade of death across The Isle. After she was stopped and went into hiding, she became the most hated and hunted individual on The Isle. She was also Razun’s lover.

Razun - Nienna’s former lover. He is a Dark Elf and the ruling noble of the second-strongest house and creche in the Unter comprised of hearty Bregan De’aerthe warriors. He craves power and is the brother of Vhaerun, whom he hates. Razun, like Nienna, is a master of the scimitar.

Vhaerun - Noble of the first house in the Unter Underdark, and leader of specialized assassins called Silk Dancers. Vhaerun shares an equal hatred of his brother Razun.

Nihilus - Razun’s right hand man and the house weapons master. Brazen with a bit of a sense of humor. He is deadly with any number of weapons.

The Lich - A creature that is believed to be the remnants of The Darkness. Formerly a dark elf itself, it now resides as a house mage for the Silk Dancers.