World of Darkness

What if monsters were real? Not as abominations lurking in the shadows… but cunning predators hiding in plain sight? Influencing every aspect of our world in ways we would never dare to imagine? What if you became one of them?

In World of Darkness, vampires, witches, mages, werewolves, and monsters of many different kinds are all living among us: an entire supernatural world hidden in plain sight.

You are the monster, pretending to be human, fighting for survival and supremacy in a dark and mysterious world. Or maybe you are just human. Night after night you struggle to find your place in a baroque web of secrets, ancient conspiracies, and modern upheaval. In the quest for power, you leverage every asset, from arcane abilities to simple diplomacy, seduction, and street smarts.

In World of Darkness, the horror is personal. You are not the victim running from monsters. You are the monster, the anti-hero afraid of what you’re capable of should you give in to your inner conflicts. The grotesque and sublime mix as tales of mystery and horror unfold with deep reflection over moral consequences and the limits of humanity.

In World of Darkness, nothing is as it seems, yet everything is connected. Eternal life, supernatural power, even dominion over exclusive cabals that secretly influence the world, are yours for the taking… if you can survive.

World of Darkness is absolutely massive, and if you want it to be, worldbuilding in this verse could take some time. However, worldbuilding is what you make of it. A few characters, some NPC's, a city, instead of all the game's intricacies, and you've practically got everything you need to start writing.

Vampires - Vampires in the World of Darkness make use of several familiar tropes of vampires in myth and legend such as immortality and a powerful thirst for blood. They are truly undead as their hearts do not beat, they do not require food or drink, they do not age, their skin is cold and pale, and the only sustenance they require is blood. Despite their undead status, vampires of this world are thinking, feeling beings capable of thought, emotion, and empathy (though this capacity may diminish with age, or through a desensitization caused by immoral actions, referred to as "loss of Humanity").

Werewolves - Garou, or werewolves, are a supernatural shapeshifting species of individuals who transform into large, fearsome, and extremely hostile creatures. Werewolves, vampires, and other legendary creatures secretly live beside humans. The Garou battle to maintain this world before all the negativity leads to a total collapse, the titular "apocalypse". They hide it from the public eye and live in secret from humanity in general. In their war, the Garou often hunt down and kill humans and supernatural creatures that either actively pursue the apocalypse or unwittingly contribute to it, due to their parasitic nature. This includes fallen Garou, vampires, evil spirits, witches, and humans (and other creatures) possessed by demons. In doing so, the Garou regard themselves as the immune system of the planet.

Witches - Witches are supernatural beings who are born with the power to affect change by magical means, known as witchcraft. While many witches are the self-proclaimed "Keepers of the Balance," other witches have been known to work against the Balance and use their power for personal gain.

Hunters - Hunters take the roles of regular humans who become aware of the existence of the supernatural. The hunters are mostly unorganized and know little of the supernatural, and have to rely on each other as the world at large does not know about it: they often communicate and share information through the anonymous internet forum Hunter-Net, which is managed by a hunter known as Witness1. Because of their lack of knowledge, they typically have to study their targets before attacking if they want to survive the encounter. However, as time goes on, more hunters are banding together to fight, and the technology they use seeks to to tip the scales slowly in their favor.

These factions are just a foundation that can most certainly be built upon. Remember, nothing is written in stone before the first post is made.