Plots and more plots. I don't have information for every interest here, but half the battle is creating someone together. Scroll a little further for information I do have.

Science Fiction / Cyberpunk
Aeon Trinity: Based off a White Wolf Cyberpunk setting, Trinity is set during a futuristic timeline that concerns earth, the known solar system, and beyond. It features humans with powers and abilities that are both heroes and villains, all while a world that's recovering from war continues to be governed and controlled by the most powerful corporations. Truly for fans of dystopian futures. I have a fairly decent world writeup of this roleplay for new writers.

Doom: This particular story is based off the game of the same name, which then became (in my opinion) one of the best science fiction novel reads I ever picked up. A quick synopsis would be military scientists finding alien runes on Mars. These runes are found to be gates of some sort, and these scientist manage to open them. From those gates pour out monsters that could be described as demons from hell. The battle starts on Mars, but then reaches Earth. All hell breaks out. Literally.

Matrix: Not much needs to be said about this one. The potential for roleplay before, during, or way after Neo's time is endless.

Mass Effect: If you aren't familiar with Mass Effect, it's considered one of the best sci-fi game RPG's of all time. It's a futuristic adventure that's both action-packed and political at heart. Humans, alien races, and entire galaxies are at play here. It sort of reminds me of Aeon Trinity in a way, minus the dystopia.

Starfield: Bethesda's latest and greatest. This universe could make for some great writing, and having played the game isn't needed. A quick read over the timeline can give anyone the gist of what the universe is all about.

Star Wars: Instant classic and instant favorite. If you've stumbled onto my media page then you already know this one is near and dear to my heart. I've written this with some amazing partners in the past and wouldn't mind giving it a go once more.

Post-Apocalyptic / Survival
The Division: Based off a game by Tom Clancy and Ubisoft, the writing potential for this story is massive. On Black Friday in present day, a deadly viral epidemic, transmitted by a Smallpox-based virus planted on banknotes, sweeps through New York City. The disease, known as Green Poison or "The Dollar Flu", causes widespread chaos, and major cities across the United States are placed under quarantine. The U.S. Government activates sleeper agents in the population who operate for the Strategic Homeland Division (or simply "the Division") to assist emergency responders and the National Guard, now called the Joint Task Force (JTF), in restoring order.

War of the Worlds: Aliens. All the aliens. A good read and equally decent watch, War of the Worlds is a story of aliens looking to conquer earth for their own, while harvesting humans for several nefarious things. It features a world on the brink of human annihilation with pockets of resistance fighting back.

Fallout: Another story inspired by a game, Fallout: Baltimore is set in a post-apocalyptic, retro-futurist world following the Great War mainly between the US and China. The Great war was a conventional and nuclear war that occurred on October 23, 2077 and lasted less than two hours despite causing immense damage and destruction. I have a good foundation written for this Fallout story, but it can always be tuned to the needs of the writers. This one is as post-apocalyptic as it gets, and it reminds me of a Mad Max story set in the east coast of the US.

Modern Fantasy / Horror
World of Darkness: Based off one of the most prolific tabletop RPG's ever, in the World of Darkness setting, vampires, witches, mages, werewolves, and monsters of many different kinds are all living among humans. It's an entire supernatural world hidden in plain sight. I have a small writeup on what could be considered the basics of this setting, but it's so large and comprehensive that proper worldbuilding to condense it down for two writers, is imperative. I think it would be massively fun to mold this into our own.

Malloria: This setting is based off an RP I did with a group eons ago, and something I would love to resurrect. I've condensed it into something with a workable plot, starting NPC's, and references consisting of pictures and maps. As always, none of it is written in stone. The story and world can be changed to suit the needs of the writers. It's probably been my most favorite story I've ever had the pleasure of writing. It's deeply rooted in medieval fantasy, low-to-medium magic, and has an engaging storyline. Please consider this if it's up your alley.

Arlion: An unfinished, original world that could also get some love from the minds of some good writers.

Modern / Historical
Espionage: This is something that's definitely the product of binging Jack Ryan. War, political battles, and secrecy. Spies and intelligence agencies of the world all trying to push the agendas of their countries. However, something very new and dangerous is on the horizon that prompts a very shaky alliance between once warring agencies. Can animosities be pushed aside to accomplish the impossible? While the references to Jack Ryan are modern, a plot like this could easily fit in a historical setting.


Information on different types and genres of roleplays I'm interested in are listed here. I think this will forever be a work in progress, but a few of the stories listed here have foundations that can be changed or built anew from the ground up.


The Isle has been on the decline for a while now. A steward sits on the throne in Malloria and rules haphazardly. There has not been a King or Queen in quite some time...

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The Division

In 2015, an operation known as "Dark Winter" was launched which was a real-world exercise that tested the emergency response to a bioterror attack...

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Aeon Trinity

Aeon Trinity is s society dedicated to the protection and service of humanity for the past 200 years, before it was formally introduced as Aeon Trinity. Aeon was unveiled publicly in the 20th century and has worked with...

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World of Darkness

What if monsters were real? Not as abominations lurking in the shadows…

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Fallout: Baltimore

Set in a post-apocalyptic, retro-futurist world following the Great War mainly between the US and China. The Great war was a conventional and nuclear war that occurred on October 23, 2077 and...

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